Museum Guide

Objects with a Tale to Tell

Museum Guide: Stories at the History of Science Museum, Oxford

We're a small museum full of big ideas

So we've chosen some of our favourite stories for you to explore during your time with us.

Pick one that interests you, find the number in the Gallery — and linger as long as you like.

And don't miss our 2 bonus stories on the Stairs.

Discover where science meets art and belief.

Enjoy your visit

Book your free museum ticket

We're a small museum full of big ideas

So we've chosen some of our favourite stories for you to explore during your time with us.

Pick one that interests you, find the number in the Gallery — and explore as long as you like.

And don't miss our 2 bonus stories on the Stairs.

Discover where science meets art and belief.

Enjoy your visit

Book your free museum ticket

Stairs to Basement & Shop

Stairs to Basement & Shop

Spotlight Story: Star Gazers

Lyra's Worlds

Beeson Room

Spotlight Story: Lyra's Worlds

Basement & Shop

Basement & Shop

Spotlight Stories 9-12

The Old Ashmolean Building (print)

The 'Old Ashmolean': A Short History

The World's Oldest Surviving Purpose-built Public Museum Building